Mini Thesis: “Advise Me” The Advisor

The Advisor is a persona that is one of the key themes of the piece “Advise Me.”

Without the Advisor, the Supplicant would not feel as comfortable asking for advice from a stranger.

There is something built between the Advisor and the Supplicant. I call it “false intimacy.”

AdviseMe: The Advisor from Laura Simpson on Vimeo.

This video is part of the interactive installation “Advise Me.” The Advisor lures in the advisee and begins the interaction.

What I learned about Design from “Five Rangers”

It would seem off for me to post an article about a thirteen part skit from the Japanese comedy show “Downtown” as a real and accessible lesson on design. Elements of design are continuously brought up by Dokura, the evil villain as he critiques the inept GoRangers. Questions of “Who is your audience?” “You can’t fight in that, can you?” and “Why are their two yellow rangers? People can’t tell you apart!” are raised and each week the Go Rangers raise different degrees of design fail. Below is a sampling of two of the amusing thirteen episodes. Be sure to watch the entire series.

Full Playlist for “Five Rangers”

Parental Advisory: These videos may contain adult subject matter and should be viewed prior to showing to sensitive audiences.


A Practice Lecture for Interactive Installations and Performances

Part One: Introduction and Planning

Part 2: Being Realistic and Being Flexible

Edited Apr 26 to add reflection:

In working on this video I had to look at my syllabus very carefully for a subject that I could convey quickly, with visual aids and also in some sort of depth. I recently had an experience with installing work that I realized would be the perfect teaching opportunity. I started looking through my syllabus for a location to insert this video lesson in and realized that having more classes that were focused on the problems of installing would be beneficial. I also took the written feedback for my syllabus into consideration and revised my syllabus first. I began adjusting the focus of the coursework that would be covered, such that my lesson would be better suited for the course.

This video was a bit difficult to make, although I would say that I am not a stranger to lecturing in class. I would say that I was in a difficult position because although twenty minutes seem to be an overwhelming amount of time to lecture, you can quickly run out of time as the lecture goes on. I was checking off each point that I wanted to make as I accomplished it and also going back to re-record parts of the lecture. I was concerned about being heard clearly and having something effective to say to my students. I think my biggest worry is that I have about fourteen minutes of my face in the videos. I never realized how animated my face is. Watching it now is surreal to me. When taping, I asked several of my friends if my facial expressions were indeed normal for me.

If I could critique my lecture,I would have added more visuals to the later phases, just to break up the focus on my face. I did shoot the project specifically so that my hands were mostly not on display because I do realize that I talk with my hands and some might find it distracting. In making the video, I included text to highlight my points so that viewers can follow while I taught. If taught in a longer lecture, I would continue the lecture and come up with more visual examples and an in-class activity showing how to come up with a timeline for installing a project.

In working on this lecture, I became acutely aware of how far I still have to go to become an effective teacher. I am awed by how much effort is put out by educators and am enthused about improving my lessons and skills so that I may become a better lecturer.

Lost Boys Industries and “Mobile Mobile”

Mini Thesis “Advise Me” Design

Aesthetic Goals

– I want supplicants to feel the set morality and point of view they are receiving from the Advisor.
– I want some sense of uncertainty to arise from watching the videos as to whether they are altered or not.
– I want supplicants to have a different experience each time they access the Advisor.

Relevant Precedents

– Advice Givers:
Dear Abby
Dan Savage

– Web Video related Advisors:
Ask Prudy

Vision for the final project

– A video loop plays, instructing the supplicant to ask aloud for advice and then to come closer to the screen. After the supplicant approaches, a short social education video plays. This video may or may not answer the actual problems of the supplicant. After the video ends, the “Advice Giver” reappears, beckoning to the supplicant to ask for advice.

Mini Thesis “Advise Me” Production

Platforms and Tools:

– Language and Platforms:
Hardware: Arduino, Physical IR-Sensors
Software: Max/MSP, Arduino Programming Environment

– What are other tools you will need for audio, visual, and other components?



First Prototype on Friday April 9: Basic Sensor Function and Video Playback.

– Early Alpha 4/20: Audio Sensing and Infrastructure for Logic.

– Final Alpha (end of semester): Advisor Videos and Social Education Videos.

– Next Iterations: Multiple Advisor Personas to choose from and Different Social Education Videos.

Risks & Uncertainties

– The Role of Advisor still must be cast.

– Internal Logic to handle Advisor Videos transitioning into Social Education Videos is still experimental.

– The Social Education films might be too ambiguous. Further User Testing will hopefully help to establish context.

– Sensors can be rather finicky. Calibration is important to getting the correct outcome.

– Some users might want a more one to one result from asking for advice. Further modifications to the Advisor Video might be necessary.

Mini Thesis “Advise Me” First Prototype Spec


– My first Playable Prototype would have the basic functionality of accepting sound, then motion to trigger videos. The narrative elements will be very limited.

Prototype Logic

Interactivity: Sound from the User is sensed by the Max Patch. The Max Patch then plays a Prompting Video that solicits the user to interact with the sensors. The Sensors send data to the Max Patch via Arduino. The Max Patch controls the playing of videos based on sensor input.

Logic and behavior of any elements:
The Sound Triggers a Video Prompt to approach the Sensor. The Sensor triggers a video for the user to watch. At the end of the video, the Video Prompt starts again.

Logic and flow of any screens:
Advisor Films lead to a randomly chosen Social Education Films.
Eventuall the Advisor Films will be more varied.

Prototype Assets

All content, visual and audio elements that will be necessary for creating the alpha prototype:

Social Media Films
Advisor Videos
Max/MSP Patches
Infrared Sensors